Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Spanish American War Political Cartoons

This cartoon represents the American rule in Cuba and the Philippines. The first thing I noticed were the almost barbaric faces on the two people. There height indicates that they could be younger, or it could be seen as a racial stereotype. The girl is wearing a skirt decorated with stars, along with a bonnet, and a striped shirt. The outfit is eerily similar to that of an American flag or a girl from the revolutionary war era. Along with this outfit, the girl is holding a piece of pie in her hands with a tag reading "independence" dangling from the crust. There is also a conversation between the two at the bottom of the illustration. The conversation reveals that Cuba is a more civilized and developed country compared to the Philippines. Another way this is seen is through how the boy is dressed. He appears barefoot with a plain shirt and a pair of pants too short for him, he also wears a hat that looks more like a bowl with crazy strands of hair spurting out through the sides. The background of the cartoon also indicates the undeveloped cultures of these two nations. There is what looks like a mouse looking in the direction of the two people along with palm trees and untrimmed grass.

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